2008年12月24日 星期三

Harder To GetTo, Easy To Pay For

My Reaction:
According to the “Harder To Get To, Easy To Pay For”, many New Yorker seeking to migrate to the suburbs to raise the family, they prefer to look out the houses in the Montclair, Maplewood and South Orange, N.J., but the neighboring town of West Orange was not on their shopping list because it does not have a train station that provides direct service to Pennsylvania Station — as Montclair, Maplewood and South Orange do.
In my opinions, I think the inconvenient of the transportation network causes the main factor that the people decline to buy it because a commuter must take a bus to New York from a park-and-ride garage, or a jitney to one of three stations on New Jersey Transit’s Midtown Direct train line, West Orange is generally perceived as somewhat out of the way. They need to waste the time in the way of back and forth between the place of working and residence. However, the journey of torment has exchanged the comfortable of the life such as pay the lower price to buy a bigger house than another downtown at United State.
Besides the problem of transportation, I think, the security of places is a leading consideration point for the buyer, especially in this present situation that the economic is depressed. The increasing of crime rate is make the people surprise and difficult to imagine. On the other hand, the solution of the environment at the urbanization city is serious. People must consider carefully when they make the decision, either the fresh air or the convenient of the transportation. Furthermore, the equipment of West Orange is sufficient like the recreation place.

As a result, we hard to find the perfect in every way, but we can try to choose a thing which is good for us. Everything worth having is worth fighting for. A house which is hardly to get, but easy to pay, I think, it is good!

323 words

2008年12月17日 星期三

As the Rich Get Poorer, Teenagers Feel the Crunch

My reaction:
According to the “As the Rich Get Poorer, Teenagers Feel the Crunch”, children at the American who are studying at high school seek their part time job and earn money as an extra allowance because of the competitive of job opportunity leads to the crunch of the family. Furthermore, the parents even want to borrow the money from their children!
I think the excessively growing up of the economic have caused the serious problem for the life of citizens such as the rising inflation and then cause them suffer from the high prices of the necessary and the expenses that can not be covered in a month. As a result, the parents decrease the allowance for the children and lead them to work outside to earn their pocket money. The survey shows that the phase of age of seeking job gets young and young and it becomes the competitive between the teenagers and the out-of-work adults about 61 years old or above for the low- paying position.
I think, however, it can bring along the advantage for the teenagers because of the children now spend too many money in such materialist enjoyment as the night movies and binges. If they can earn money themselves, they know how can spend their money wisely and alleviate the burden of family. Besides, they become mature and independent to handle the problem by themselves.
Some parents say that the community will become more reality and lack the human touch. They prefer their children involve in the charities than the part- time work and pay more attention on their homework to get the good result. People struggle between the morality ethic and practical world. On the other hand, I think this is an excuse of their laziness because if we can arrange the time wisely, we also can take part in the charities besides of the working. Don’t forget the “you” in the equation so there is a balance between work and charity.
Working is not a dilemma that brings along the pain for the teenagers, but the useful lesson for them. The parents can no protect them excessively and it let the children parasitize at the wing of their parent. The children must adapt the environment themselves but not according to the path that the parents build for them.

2008年12月9日 星期二

Sowing The Seeds Of Gardening

According to the “Sowing The Seeds Of Gardening”, a elementary school in United State begins the Princeton School Gardens program which is about the children regularly work in one of the district’s 15 gardens during school hours, preparing garden beds, planting herbs and vegetables and harvesting them when they are ripe. The children not only enjoy the crop what they plant, but also learn something from this program.
In my opinions, I think the industry, science and technology rapidly expand in our practical world, even the educational institution. People advance the apparatus of teaching in order to follow the stepping of the society. Sometimes, the parents want their children to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher or some else but no a farmer because of their conservative thought that it is not a good job because it is hard and its income is low. They never think that their food come from the sweat of the farmer. Obviously, people ignore the importance of the agriculture. It supplies the foods to the people that give the energy to exercise in a whole day.
In the fact, agriculture is very important and the program of gardening in the school is meaningful that can tell the children the basic knowledge of the plant because some of the children even don’t know where the foods come from. When they touch the gardening, they will really understand it is not to get easily and cherish what they have during they are comparing with the children who can not get a meal in two or three days. Besides, I think it is more effective with the practical teaching through a garden because involved in the process rather than just talking to them about it. It let the student understand but not the fantasy.
Furthermore, the students feel that it is more interesting and become independent to handle the problem. It contributes the growing up of the children. After that, the vegetables grown in the gardens during the summer and donates them to the local food bank as a charity also is a good idea.
Nowadays, I think the children not only need the knowledge in the book, but also need the basic knowledge in our life.
369 words

2008年12月1日 星期一

Going Green, Simply: Weatherproof Your Home

According to the “Going Green, Simply: Weatherproof Your Home”, heating of an American home with natural gas creates about 6,400 lbs of carbon dioxide a year; using electricity will produce about 4,700 lbs of emissions in the winter. Therefore, the expert thinks a series of method to tackle this problem such as plugging up the holes that the heat might go out, paying for the energy audit to figure out exactly where the holes are, checking around the house, even adopting the method to use less heat.

In my opinions, I think that it is just one of the quick fix to face the serious global warming problem which is threat our earth. The people work hard a whole day and wish to have the materialist enjoyment, not only the Americans. So, air-condition becomes their necessary and a part of their life, let alone the heating is more important for them in the winter. However, people are neglect the effect of enjoyment that will endanger our life in future even destroy our globe. Besides, ignorance of the people not only accelerating the destruction of the environment, but also implicating their generations.

In the fact, we have many ways to protest the global warming such as the people seldom to use the car to decrease the emission of the carbon dioxide. By the way, building up the transportation networks, the government needs to cut down the forest to be the streets, freeways, and parking area. It is not a true method to tackle this problem. Relying on carbon- neutral vegetable oil and the methane as the energy source also can control the emission of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the most simply way is plant the tree around the house and the government avoids cut down the forest for the development of the country. It is the most cost-effective green technology can be found around us.

Finally, I think we have the responsibility to cherish our globe and protect it because the earth is only one.

2008年11月24日 星期一

The Great American Smokeout

My Reactions:
According to “The Great American SmokeOut”, the smoking rate among Americans has fallen steadily from 42% on 1964 to 19.8% of adults in 2007 since they have been launching a series of interesting campaigns about dropping the habit of smoking. For examples, they organized a local event called "Don't Smoke Day" and volunteers dressed as smoke detectors blowing kazoos at smokers on the street with a slogan ---"Kiss me, I don't smoke".

Nowadays, even though everyone knows the hazards of smoking—poorer health, persistent cough and wastage of the money, but the people still want to try it even indulged themselves to continue, especially the teenagers. The smoking rate of the teenagers is increased obviously than the older people. Sometimes, we can see the students pick up the butts from the streets even steal the money from others when they can not afford the fees of the cigarette. This is the abnormal phenomenon of our country.

Besides, many smokers are aware of the danger smoking poses to their own health even struggling to quit from the habit of smoking, but do not consider the knock-on effect for their families and friends that the second-hand smoke is hazardous to health. If the pregnant mother inhales the second-hand smoke, they will take a risk that they may give birth to smaller and less healthy children. The smokers always say that they want use the smoking to forget the trouble of the life, but I think it is just an excuse. In contrast, the smokers are easier to get the lung cancer and cause of death.

As a result, I think the method of held a campaign to encourage the people say “no” with the cigarette is good. It can help the smokers plan the quitting and also educate them about using medicine to tackle the problem of pressure is better than smoking. Besides, it not only can reduce smoking and prevent disease, but also quickly and significantly reduce health care costs. Therefore, please thinking about your families and friends, saying goodbye with the cigarettes.

2008年11月20日 星期四

New law to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women

My Reactions:
According to the “New law to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women”, a man will be prosecuted and face the charge of rape if they pay for sex with a woman who has been trafficked or is under the control of a pimp. Besides, a plea of ignorance is not to be a defense against the offense. The police will only to prove that the man pays for sex and the woman has been trafficked. There will be no need to prove he knew it at the time.

In my opinions, the advantages of the new law are more than the coin even though it can not be accepted by someone. First, I think this illegal traffic in sex is against the moral rigorously because the “red- light zone” surpasses the limit, even allow two or three women to work together in a brothel to provide protection for each other. The police can be a pioneer to tackle this problem and close down the brothel and some clubs, especially in the resident area. If the government does not legislate against the illegal traffic and ban on men pay for sex strictly, I think it will get worse and worse.

From the aspect of the women, I think we want to protect them from the victim of the human trafficking. According to the report, a girl says that women from all walks of life, also working as teachers and students, are also working in prostitution. It's consenting sex. But I think they are in the minority, and laws are there to protect the majority. In this case, the majority of women in prostitution and suffer violence and exploitation. If those women who have made a free choice, there are more who have had no choice.

Besides, the English Collective of Prostitutes says that experiences have taught them any law against consenting sex forces prostitution further underground and makes women vulnerable to violence. But I don’t think so! If the government never ban the criminal offence of paying for sex, isn’t the means of encourage the women to devote themselves to the prostitution when they are can not afford their life? Furthermore, the cases of rape can be decreased by other way or method, but not ban this good proposal which is criminalize men who pay for sex. We can decrease the increasing of the AIDS and assure our public health.

As a result, I think the decision to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women is true.

2008年11月3日 星期一

Children increasingly medicated

My Reactions:

According to the “Children Increasingly Medicated”, more and more U.S children are being given drugs to fight chronic conditions such as asthma and hyperactivity.

In my opinions, I think this matter has presented the negative and positive results separately. In the negative views, prescriptions for drugs for the children increase rapidly shows the abnormally phenomenon in a country because it is represent that the children rely on the drugs excessively. Haven’t the family thought that the drugs will endanger the healthy of the children such as the chronic poison? It will murder the children the children slowly. In the fact, the drugs just tackle a problem on the surface, but not the root. Step by step, it not only loses the efficiency, but also can not help their children and cause them suffering from the disease. Without the helping of the drugs, how can the children living? Therefore, I think the exercises are the most effective way to tackle the diseases, especially having the company of family who will make them more confidents. A soul of health can make a positive attitude to face the difficult such as the chronic diseases, it is better than prescribe drugs. Besides, if this case is continued, the people will live in a battleground where is a full of the medicine that is the people never think it.

In the positive views, I think the prescriptions for medicines is good for the children because it can control the chronic conditions. It also can ensure their life and make them far away from the breaking out of the diseases in this environment of pollution. Furthermore, the doctor can prescribe drugs more safety and effective lest the occurring of death. The children and their family have the target to settle the problem better than give up the right of living. It is a positive attitude to face the problem. For example, my niece is a patient of Mediterranean Anemia. Her family believes that she will health and spent her every year birthday happily rely on the medicines. It is an evidence of “children increasingly medicated” that shows it is good to the children and their families.

Finally, I think that the increase of the medicine can be a good way to help the people, but also can bring along the harmful. So, people want to use it carefully.

2008年10月27日 星期一

The Right To Know,Then To Say No

My Reactions:

According to the “The Right To Know, Then To Say No”, a new legislation, called the Terminal Patients’ Right To Know End- Of- Life Option Act was signed into law last month ago to oppose a 1992 state ballot measure and a 2005 bill that would have permitted physician-assisted suicide, which is currently legal only in Oregon. The act is the first in the nation to provide the information for the terminally ill patients about end- of –life options, including hospice, palliative care, refusing or withdrawing life-prolonging treatments, and making the choice to refuse food and hydration. This act made the writer to end her mother’s life with this manner.

In my opinions, I have placed a high value on life and our life is valuable, but I have never understood why the writer seeks the extrication with this stupid way, let alone the person is her mother. Mother is a person who take care us painstakingly since we are the infant. She devotes her whole life for her children and why her daughter makes this choice to give up. Although the patient is always complain that they want to far away from the disease and the pain, but I think they need more support from the family. We want to encourage them with a positive attitude. Maybe it has a miraculous drug will appear and save her. How we know? If the patients make the decision without enough information and considerate, I think it is not worth to die, because it is the only for a person.

Besides, I think this manner of death is same with the forms of physician- assisted suicide. It is just a difference way to express it. Two of these manners are the terminal ill patients give up their right to survive. One of it is relying on the medicines and another one is stopping of eating and drinking. It teaches the patients to suicide when they face the disease. I think these laws may be canceled because it violates the natural law. In the facts, families and the doctors must mutually cooperate to build up the confident of the patient and accept the medical treatment. What are the functions of the medicine?

This act likes a murder! It teaches the person to flee from the reality. Why we can face our problem even the death bravely? I think everyone has the right to choose, then to say “Yes, I want to live!”

2008年10月19日 星期日

British Aid Worker Shot Dead In Afghanistan 'For Spreading Christianity'

According to the" British aid worker shot dead in Afghanistan 'for spreading Christianity' ", the Taliban insurgents were targeted at the aid workers to restrict their activities in Afghanistan. Recently, the tragedy was occurred once time again. A humanitarian worker of British Based Christian aid organization had been shot dead by two men on a motorbike as she walked alone in the capital, Kabul, at about 8 am local time.

In my opinions, the Taliban insurgents have the conservative religion thoughts that they want to protect the religious integrity and defend everyone who wants to invade their country even the people want to help them. I think it is so cruel to treat them such as the charity workers. Maybe, the Taliban insurgents think that it is honor and glory but I think it just an action of silliness. It is not only can not improve the development of the country, but also bring the catastrophe for the citizens of Afghanistan with the endless turmoil.

Furthermore, the workers of voluntary just focus in the community development, education, and vocational training for people for disabilities. Despite they really want to spread the Christianity, I think they are innocent and need not to die. However, they have been shot dead when they bring along their compassion to help the people. How cruel it is! I think, no matter the Muslim or the Christian, they have their belief to bring the people go toward the way of right and also the citizens have the right or the religious freedom to choose what they want.

I think it is an action of irresponsible. They have neglected the important of a life for the people. It is a serious problem of moral corruption. Sacrifice a person can exchange the stability of the country? Impossible! Or they can try to accept the helping of someone to settle the problems. I think it is better than the present situation.

2008年10月12日 星期日

Indonesia As The New India

My Reactions:

According to the “Indonesia As The New India”, Indonesia breaks away from the fall of the Suharto and leaded by the present president to roll up its terrorist problem and rebuild from the 2004 tsunami. They become a cohesive, robust and democracy Muslim nation. Could Indonesia advance its nation like India and be a star in the stage of international political.

In my opinions, I think Indonesia has the good conditions to develop its nation to be a boomtown of Asian. First, Indonesia has a plenty of paddy field for self-sufficiency. Besides, it has the rich natural sources such as petroleum, coals, coppers, and other metal that can improve its mining industry. All of these natural sources can develop the industry of nation or export to other industrialized countries to earn the money. Furthermore, it can attract more foreigner make their investment here and bring along their technology to develop. The advantages not only can increase the income of nation, but also can learn their skill of professional. All of these can make Indonesia becomes a strong and have the bargaining chips to compare with other Asian countries.

Nowadays, Indonesia is developing its transportation networks actively. This is the first bridge to step forward to the international from the ruin. Indonesia also carries out its tourism industry on the basic of transportation networks. All of these make its economy advanced rapidly. Politics of Indonesia becomes steadily by the way of improve their rule of laws and everyone can get a job and decrease the turmoil of nation. Besides, its per capita income is a third higher.

So, I think Indonesia can rescue from the brink of corruption and becomes the boomtown of Asian in 21st-century.

2008年10月6日 星期一

Malaysia Race Heats Up For Ruling Party Top Posts

My Reactions:

According to the "Malaysia Race Heats Up For Ruling Party Top Posts", Malaysia's politicians aimed at the nominating candidates to compete in the general elections on the March next year after the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdullah Badawi confirms his retirement. It makes confusion for the party and some serious political maneuverings. Besides, the other party's members are competing to fill the 25-member Supreme Council policy-making body.

In my opinions, even though Abdullah is toppled and maybe Najib Razak will take his place, but i think that the result of before and after of general election will not change the present situation politics of Malaysia. Because of them are come from a same party, United Malays National Organization. They have the same target to build up a strong Malay society. Why i talk like that? As we know, Malaysia is a multi-race country, but it just a surface that we see and hear. Actually, Malaysia has the system which is according to the race and assigning the sources of Malaysia.For example, in a university, the Malay students occupying 70 percents in the total amount of student and the others race students just can take 30 percents of total. This is an action wanna be protect the rights of the Malay and it is unfair to the non-Malay relatively. It is the reason to make the citizens not satisfied in this situation. So that, i think the general election is waste because it never improve their flaws.

Besides, the candidates will likely to pledge to reinvigoration party. It just a word that want to console the people and wish more of the people to support them in the general election. This is an action of irresponsibility. How many times the citizens listen about the wonderful word before the election? And when it will be implemented? They compete for the posts and want to service for the citizens, why the problem of laundering money more serious? How cruel it is. For the Malaysian, I think this news just like a scandal! This is a competition don't have any meaning.

2008年9月30日 星期二

China Detains 22 In Milk Case

My Reaction:

One day, my friends and i went out and having our dinner. I ordered a cup of milk tea, my friend told me that the milk had the "poison" and not to order it. I was confused but i knew it later...

Acrodding to "China Detains 22 In Milk Case",China had been drawn into the scandal about the milk contained an industrial chemical, melamine and caused the casualty. After several investigation,the goverment said that it had detained 22 people involved of this case.

In my opinion, adulterated milk with melamine will endanger the healthy of an infant or the people even to cause dead. Even though some of the nation's biggest dairy producers know that selling the infant milk formula adulterated with melamine is crime but they want to make a plenty of profit! It is a serious problem of moral corruption that someone have been trapped into the trap of money up to neglect the importance of life. According the reports, most of the victims are the children. How cruel it is! Youth are the factor in building a strong and prosperous country.

Although the goverment of China try to assure consumers that the supply is safe but the citizen suspect the safety of the production too. How about the opinion for the foreigner of the production of China? How can China show the evidence? Besides,the truth is that economy of China will be affected seriously and the production will easily be end up in other country caused the lost of China. Goodwill of a country is spoiled by this way, isn't worth?

Finally, the goverment must handle this problem strictly and should not pamper them to avoid occur again.