2008年11月24日 星期一

The Great American Smokeout

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According to “The Great American SmokeOut”, the smoking rate among Americans has fallen steadily from 42% on 1964 to 19.8% of adults in 2007 since they have been launching a series of interesting campaigns about dropping the habit of smoking. For examples, they organized a local event called "Don't Smoke Day" and volunteers dressed as smoke detectors blowing kazoos at smokers on the street with a slogan ---"Kiss me, I don't smoke".

Nowadays, even though everyone knows the hazards of smoking—poorer health, persistent cough and wastage of the money, but the people still want to try it even indulged themselves to continue, especially the teenagers. The smoking rate of the teenagers is increased obviously than the older people. Sometimes, we can see the students pick up the butts from the streets even steal the money from others when they can not afford the fees of the cigarette. This is the abnormal phenomenon of our country.

Besides, many smokers are aware of the danger smoking poses to their own health even struggling to quit from the habit of smoking, but do not consider the knock-on effect for their families and friends that the second-hand smoke is hazardous to health. If the pregnant mother inhales the second-hand smoke, they will take a risk that they may give birth to smaller and less healthy children. The smokers always say that they want use the smoking to forget the trouble of the life, but I think it is just an excuse. In contrast, the smokers are easier to get the lung cancer and cause of death.

As a result, I think the method of held a campaign to encourage the people say “no” with the cigarette is good. It can help the smokers plan the quitting and also educate them about using medicine to tackle the problem of pressure is better than smoking. Besides, it not only can reduce smoking and prevent disease, but also quickly and significantly reduce health care costs. Therefore, please thinking about your families and friends, saying goodbye with the cigarettes.

2008年11月20日 星期四

New law to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women

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According to the “New law to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women”, a man will be prosecuted and face the charge of rape if they pay for sex with a woman who has been trafficked or is under the control of a pimp. Besides, a plea of ignorance is not to be a defense against the offense. The police will only to prove that the man pays for sex and the woman has been trafficked. There will be no need to prove he knew it at the time.

In my opinions, the advantages of the new law are more than the coin even though it can not be accepted by someone. First, I think this illegal traffic in sex is against the moral rigorously because the “red- light zone” surpasses the limit, even allow two or three women to work together in a brothel to provide protection for each other. The police can be a pioneer to tackle this problem and close down the brothel and some clubs, especially in the resident area. If the government does not legislate against the illegal traffic and ban on men pay for sex strictly, I think it will get worse and worse.

From the aspect of the women, I think we want to protect them from the victim of the human trafficking. According to the report, a girl says that women from all walks of life, also working as teachers and students, are also working in prostitution. It's consenting sex. But I think they are in the minority, and laws are there to protect the majority. In this case, the majority of women in prostitution and suffer violence and exploitation. If those women who have made a free choice, there are more who have had no choice.

Besides, the English Collective of Prostitutes says that experiences have taught them any law against consenting sex forces prostitution further underground and makes women vulnerable to violence. But I don’t think so! If the government never ban the criminal offence of paying for sex, isn’t the means of encourage the women to devote themselves to the prostitution when they are can not afford their life? Furthermore, the cases of rape can be decreased by other way or method, but not ban this good proposal which is criminalize men who pay for sex. We can decrease the increasing of the AIDS and assure our public health.

As a result, I think the decision to criminalize men who pay for sex with trafficked women is true.

2008年11月3日 星期一

Children increasingly medicated

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According to the “Children Increasingly Medicated”, more and more U.S children are being given drugs to fight chronic conditions such as asthma and hyperactivity.

In my opinions, I think this matter has presented the negative and positive results separately. In the negative views, prescriptions for drugs for the children increase rapidly shows the abnormally phenomenon in a country because it is represent that the children rely on the drugs excessively. Haven’t the family thought that the drugs will endanger the healthy of the children such as the chronic poison? It will murder the children the children slowly. In the fact, the drugs just tackle a problem on the surface, but not the root. Step by step, it not only loses the efficiency, but also can not help their children and cause them suffering from the disease. Without the helping of the drugs, how can the children living? Therefore, I think the exercises are the most effective way to tackle the diseases, especially having the company of family who will make them more confidents. A soul of health can make a positive attitude to face the difficult such as the chronic diseases, it is better than prescribe drugs. Besides, if this case is continued, the people will live in a battleground where is a full of the medicine that is the people never think it.

In the positive views, I think the prescriptions for medicines is good for the children because it can control the chronic conditions. It also can ensure their life and make them far away from the breaking out of the diseases in this environment of pollution. Furthermore, the doctor can prescribe drugs more safety and effective lest the occurring of death. The children and their family have the target to settle the problem better than give up the right of living. It is a positive attitude to face the problem. For example, my niece is a patient of Mediterranean Anemia. Her family believes that she will health and spent her every year birthday happily rely on the medicines. It is an evidence of “children increasingly medicated” that shows it is good to the children and their families.

Finally, I think that the increase of the medicine can be a good way to help the people, but also can bring along the harmful. So, people want to use it carefully.