2008年11月24日 星期一

The Great American Smokeout

My Reactions:
According to “The Great American SmokeOut”, the smoking rate among Americans has fallen steadily from 42% on 1964 to 19.8% of adults in 2007 since they have been launching a series of interesting campaigns about dropping the habit of smoking. For examples, they organized a local event called "Don't Smoke Day" and volunteers dressed as smoke detectors blowing kazoos at smokers on the street with a slogan ---"Kiss me, I don't smoke".

Nowadays, even though everyone knows the hazards of smoking—poorer health, persistent cough and wastage of the money, but the people still want to try it even indulged themselves to continue, especially the teenagers. The smoking rate of the teenagers is increased obviously than the older people. Sometimes, we can see the students pick up the butts from the streets even steal the money from others when they can not afford the fees of the cigarette. This is the abnormal phenomenon of our country.

Besides, many smokers are aware of the danger smoking poses to their own health even struggling to quit from the habit of smoking, but do not consider the knock-on effect for their families and friends that the second-hand smoke is hazardous to health. If the pregnant mother inhales the second-hand smoke, they will take a risk that they may give birth to smaller and less healthy children. The smokers always say that they want use the smoking to forget the trouble of the life, but I think it is just an excuse. In contrast, the smokers are easier to get the lung cancer and cause of death.

As a result, I think the method of held a campaign to encourage the people say “no” with the cigarette is good. It can help the smokers plan the quitting and also educate them about using medicine to tackle the problem of pressure is better than smoking. Besides, it not only can reduce smoking and prevent disease, but also quickly and significantly reduce health care costs. Therefore, please thinking about your families and friends, saying goodbye with the cigarettes.
