2008年12月9日 星期二

Sowing The Seeds Of Gardening

According to the “Sowing The Seeds Of Gardening”, a elementary school in United State begins the Princeton School Gardens program which is about the children regularly work in one of the district’s 15 gardens during school hours, preparing garden beds, planting herbs and vegetables and harvesting them when they are ripe. The children not only enjoy the crop what they plant, but also learn something from this program.
In my opinions, I think the industry, science and technology rapidly expand in our practical world, even the educational institution. People advance the apparatus of teaching in order to follow the stepping of the society. Sometimes, the parents want their children to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher or some else but no a farmer because of their conservative thought that it is not a good job because it is hard and its income is low. They never think that their food come from the sweat of the farmer. Obviously, people ignore the importance of the agriculture. It supplies the foods to the people that give the energy to exercise in a whole day.
In the fact, agriculture is very important and the program of gardening in the school is meaningful that can tell the children the basic knowledge of the plant because some of the children even don’t know where the foods come from. When they touch the gardening, they will really understand it is not to get easily and cherish what they have during they are comparing with the children who can not get a meal in two or three days. Besides, I think it is more effective with the practical teaching through a garden because involved in the process rather than just talking to them about it. It let the student understand but not the fantasy.
Furthermore, the students feel that it is more interesting and become independent to handle the problem. It contributes the growing up of the children. After that, the vegetables grown in the gardens during the summer and donates them to the local food bank as a charity also is a good idea.
Nowadays, I think the children not only need the knowledge in the book, but also need the basic knowledge in our life.
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